Projeto de Apoio à Implementação da Estratégia para os Bioresiduos (PAIEB)

O Ministério do Ambiente divulgou, no início de julho de 2020, as Orientações Estratégia dos Bioresiduos (ver link Esta estratégia em consonância com a legislação em vigor aponta os caminhos a seguir para a implementação da recolha seletiva de Bioresiduos. Atualmente não há dúvidas que a responsabilidade legal da recolha seletiva desta fileira de resíduos é da responsabilidade dos Municípios, enquanto a responsabilidade de tratamento e valorização é dos Sistemas de Gestão em Alta.
Até 16 de outubro 2020 os Municípios poderão apresentar candidaturas ao Fundo Ambiental para a elaboração do estudo de diagnóstico (ver link .
A ATTCEI prevê que o financiamento futuro do POSEUR (75% do investimento a fundo perdido) aos Municípios, para a implementação de projetos de recolha seletiva de Bioresiduos estará dependente da existência do estudo de diagnóstico e de Planos de Ação.
A recolha seletiva de Bioresiduos será obrigatória em todo o país a partir de 2023, de acordo com a legislação em vigor. Uma gestão adequada dos Bioresiduos vai exigir em cada Município a elaboração de estudo de diagnóstico, a definição de estratégia Municipal e Plano de Ação para a implementação da recolha dos Bioresiduos.
A recolha seletiva de Bioresiduos vai implicar a redução das quantidades de resíduos indiferenciados, o que vai exigir a adequação da gestão e o redimensionamento dos meios de recolha destes resíduos.
Considerando que esta realidade vai alterar radicalmente a atual gestão de resíduos a nível Municipal e a nível dos Sistemas em Alta e que vai obrigar à implementação de novas soluções técnicas e de gestão dos resíduos a todos os níveis, a ATTCEI ao possuir experiência e know how especializado em gestão de resíduos criou o “Projeto de Apoio à Implementação da Estratégia Bioresiduos (PAIEB)”.
Este projeto tem como objetivo apoiar os Municípios e os Sistemas em Alta na implementação da estratégia para os Bioresiduos.
A ATTCEI possui também experiência comprovada em preparação de candidaturas e de implementação de projetos inovadores de recolha seletiva com recurso às novas tecnologias. Por exemplo, desde 2017, a ATTCEI viu aprovadas 4 candidaturas ao POSEUR para implementação projetos piloto inovadores de recolha de Bioresíduos em diferentes Municípios, estando a assessorar e a participar na implementação dos mesmos com tecnologia
específica adequada à gestão e ao processo de recolha dos Bioresiduos.
Partindo da referida experiência em estudos e projetos inovadores de gestão e recolha de Bioresiduos, a ATTCEI pode afirmar que, comparando com os valores atuais, os Municípios poderão reduzir, em cerca de 50%, os custos de eliminação/deposição de resíduos entregues aos Sistemas em Alta, caso todos os Bioresiduos sejam recolhidos separadamente e sem contaminação.
Por outro lado, as alterações ao processo de recolha exigem uma gestão eficiente da recolha dos Bioresiduos, pois só no caso da recolha seletiva de Bioresiduos ser bem planeada, bem executada, bem monitorizada e bem gerida, se poderá evitar que os custos da recolha de Bioresiduos sofram um aumento drástico, triplicando ou mesmo quadruplicando os custos comparativamente aos custos atuais da recolha de resíduos indiferenciados.
A ATTCEI e os seus colaboradores têm uma larga experiência na área de resíduos a nível de Gestão e a nível operacional da recolha em Municípios e em Sistemas em Alta a nível de investigação, inovação e de desenvolvimento de tecnologia adaptada à recolha e gestão da recolha seletiva.
A ATTCEI, como entidade sem fins lucrativos, desenvolve a sua atividade sempre numa perspetiva de parceria de interesse mútuo dos parceiros.
Os Municípios podem contar com o apoio da ATTCEI para a preparação de projetos, de candidaturas e para a implementação da recolha seletiva de Bioresiduos, assim como de outras fileiras.

Plano de Contingência COVID 19

Gâmbia, 21 de março de 2020
A todos os nossos associados, colaboradores e parceiros

A PANDEMIA do Corona vírus (COVID-19) em curso corresponde a uma situação de "força maior" que obriga a Direção da ATTCEI a alterar procedimentos e formas de trabalho com os nossos parceiros e associados enquanto a mesma durar. Assim, foram decididas as seguintes medidas, visando proteger-nos a todos, bem como o cumprimento dos nossos compromissos contratuais:
- Todas as reuniões e visitas presenciais estão canceladas por tempo indeterminado, sendo substituídas por reuniões em regime de videoconferência;
- A sede da ATTCEI encontra-se encerrada para efeitos de trabalho da organização, durante esta emergência;
- As reuniões institucionais obrigatórias, como a Assembleia Geral, serão oportunamente agendadas quando for declarado o fim da pandemia ao nível nacional;
- Até que haja condições de segurança, os nossos serviços estarão abertos em regime de “serviços mínimos”; na prática, isto significa que se manterão apenas as recolhas e recepção de documentos oficiais e contabilísticos;
- Durante o período referido, o contacto normal e diário de parceiros com os nossos associados e colaboradores, será feito exclusivamente via e-mail e telefone; existirá um elemento da nossa equipa que receberá todas as chamadas, fará a respetiva gestão e reencaminhamento para a pessoa em questão;
- Ressalvando as situações de absoluta necessidade e inadiáveis, que exijam a presença de um/a colaborar/a deverão ser observadas regras de distanciamento físico mínimo de um metro e sem contatos físicos diretos, bem como as recomendações da DGS para este efeito;
- Salientamos que, à data em que escrevemos este comunicado, não existem casos suspeitos de contaminação na nossa equipa - se tal acontecer, será assegurada em tempo útil e na medida do possível, a sua substituição;
- Está previsto que todos os nossos colaboradores trabalhem a partir de casa, garantindo dessa forma, e dentro do que for possível, a normalidade no cumprimento das tarefas decorrentes do trabalho de cada um;

Estas medidas entram em vigor com efeito imediato, por tempo indeterminado e serão objeto de revisão permanente consoante as indicações das autoridades de saúde e proteção civil.
O sucesso no combate contra a pandemia Corona Vírus depende muito dos comportamentos individuais e das organizações e a ATTCEI deseja assim a dar o seu contributo.

Agradecendo a compreensão e a colaboração responsável de todos/as, despedimo-nos,
A Direção da ATTCEI

About Us

ATTCEI is a proven non-profit association, pioneer in Portugal, in its mission and specific goals, which are linked with knowledge and technology transfer, open to collaboration from any individual citizen and any entity which aims to contribute toward the technological and economical development of Portugal and the association's goals.

This association was founded on November 3rd 2009, by Professors from the Escola Superior de Tecnologia of Setúbal, and is currently mostly constituted by individual and collective associates. Among the individual associates we include Professors and Researchers from various Research Centers, from University and Polytechnical Institutes, as well as other specialists in different areas of knowledge and technical and scientific know-how.

Any singular person, national or foreign, who is interested in developing ATTCEI's goals and accepts its statutes can become an ordinary member of the association. The association also contemplates honorary members, who may be singular or collective persons.


We live in a globalized world, where competitivity has rapidly become the key to the development and growth of enterprises, the economy and the country. Innovation and technological development are paramount to maintaining the competitivity and internationalization of enterprises.

The Portuguese economic tissue is known to be mostly comprised of small and medium companies, which do not possess their own means to carry out research, thereby limiting their ability for innovation and development. On the other hand, there remains a large gap between businesses and centers of knowledge, namely Research Centers, Universities and Polytechnical Institutes. This reality is responsible for making the development and growth of the Portuguese economy a more difficult endeavor.

ATTCEI and its associates are certain of the importance and need to work toward an approximation and close cooperation between Enterprises, Researchers and Higher Education and Research Institutions, so as to transfer technology, knowledge and innovation to companies and society, which would result in mutual benefits that are recognizable to all.


The Judicial Regime of the Higher Education Institutions (Law number 62/2007) holds that the duty of Higher Education Institutions includes the participation in "activities connecting them to society, namely the spreading and transfer of knowledge, as well as the economic valuation of scientific knowledge".

ATTCEI, as an interface entity, aims to contribute toward the Transfer of Technology and Knowledge to Enterprises and Institutions.

Thus, ATTCEI's purpose is to energize, in a structured and directed manner, the diffusion and transfer of technology and knowledge that exists in National and International Higher Education Institutions and Scientific Systems to businesses and other institutions.

ATTCEI promotes Applied Investigation in innovative areas of interest to companies, higher education institutions and society itself.

ATTCEI aims to tackle these challenges, with the primary goal of continually developing its activity in the areas of research and transfer of technology and knowledge in several areas, namely engineering and business organization, playing the role of an energizing force and a facilitator for the interaction between the many agents of development.


ATTCEI aims to perform with excellence, assuming the principles of ethics, confidentiality and confidence as a basis for its actions and the relationship between enterprises and Investigators. The organization builds partnerships based on competence, shared responsibility and reciprocal interest in concrete objectives and projects in Investigation and Innovation, allowing for the solution of complex problems and responding, in an adequate and timely manner, to requests from enterprises and other associate and partner entities.

As a pioneer in this difficult task of connecting companies and research and knowledge centers, ATTCEI also aims to create a "demonstration effect" through its actions, which raises interest in the launch of new entities with an identical mission and goals.


1. In accordance with its statutes, the association has the following general goals:
a) To promote and support the transfer of technology and knowledge to enterprises and institutions, thereby promoting development;
b) To promote and support scientific and technological research;
c) To promote and support exchanges between the general higher education facilities and other collective persons, in the interests of the development and transfer of technology and knowledge;
d) To promote the economic valuation of scientific knowledge;
e) To contribute toward promoting the image and development of higher education in general, through cooperation with several different entities;
f) To cooperate with enterprises and other entities in joint actions, which may involve other parties, through national or international TR&D projects;
g) To promote innovation and use of efficient technologies in a perspective of sustainable development, emphasizing energy sources and materials.

2. To achieve its goals, the association intervenes:
a) By participating in activities connected with society, namely those related to the diffusion and transfer of knowledge, as well as the economical valuation of scientific knowledge;
b) By promoting and energizing TR&D projects in cooperation with higher education institutions, research institutions and companies;
c) By identifying funding opportunities;
d) By identifying and developing partnership opportunities with companies and institutions;
e) By creating business opportunities;
f) By promoting training actions as well as scientific and technological upgrading;
g) By performing consulting actions;
h) By creating documentation centers for its members' perusal;
i) By supporting and/or editing publications for the diffusion of studies and projects;
j) By establishing contacts with similarly-focused organizations.

Areas of Activity

ATTCEI deals with Research and Innovation (R&I) in different areas of knowledge, to its associates' and partners' direct benefit.

Knowledge and technology transfer can have, in each concrete case, the final goal of performing Research and Innovation in the form of: a new PRODUCT; a new or improved PROCESS, or a new Organizational METHOD.

As an entity devoted to knowledge and technology transfer, ATTCEI, constituted by researchers and companies, works toward the development and introduction of more efficient technologies, as well as process optimization, in a perspective of rational and efficient use of equipment and HR, the reduction of energy consumption, materials, and costs.

Intervention and Collaboration

ATTCEI works in tandem with companies and other entities in joint actions, which may involve other parties of the following kinds: enterprises, local, regional, national or international. The institution may intervene through TR&D and Innovation, studies, training actions, consulting, process research and development, technology, prototyping, equipments, etc.

ATTCEI executes technology and knowledge transfer through its associates and Doctorate researchers and other specialists in several areas of knowledge, working in several Universities, Polytechnical Institutes and Research Centers.

ATTCEI incentivizes, facilitates and establishes contacts and partnerships between Researchers and Enterprises, with the purpose of developing ideas and projects that arise either from the companies' needs, aiming for solutions for the improvement and innovation of their processes and/or products, or by researchers who are looking for companies interested in applying their ideas, Research and Innovation.

General Assembly

Fiscal Council



Individual Associates

ATTCEI consists of Individual Associates and Collective Associates. ATTCEI's Individual Associates are Researchers and other Specialists in several areas of knowledge, who perform Research and Innovation activities in different Research Centers and Universities and Polytechnical Institutes and work as a network, cooperating in the context of ATTCEI.

Currently, ATTCEI includes as its Individual Associates: 16 Doctorates, 9 Masters and 17 Engineers and other members who are specialized in different areas of knowledge.

The main areas of technical and scientific knowledge and research of ATTCEI associates are: mechanics; chemistry; electrotechnical engineering; electronics; telecommunications; mathematics and statistics; computer science; quality; energy and energy efficiency; process optimization and management; information and communication technologies; databases and information systems; material and energy management and valuation of solid urban waste; the valuation of biomass and combustion; industrial organization, with respect to maintenance, quality, safety, reliability, risk analysis and failure analysis in service and logistics, among others.

Collective Associates

Ventura Rodrigues


GE-Exporter is a tool which allows for automatic exporting of georeferenced data contained in Amarsul’s operational database for KML/KMZ files, which can be viewed by the public through Google Earth™.

95% to 125% Funded Innovation
On February 20th 2014, ATTCEI held a workshop at the Auditorium of the Setúbal Technical School, titled “95% to 125% Financed Innovation”, to announce community support in the period from 2014 to 2020.

Strategic Analysis Study for RSU Management
In collaboration with other entities, ATTCEI undertook a study for Cascais’ Town Hall in the first semester of 2013.

From the 20th of October to the 9th of November, the collective painting exhibit OLHARES (CON)SENTIDOS took place at Casa da Baía, promoted by ATTCEI...

The computer application GIASOR allows for the management of the daily dynamic green recycling bin collection circuits, guaranteeing that collection is made at the moment the bin reaches a user-defined filling level.


Contact us

Rua 9 de Outubro, nº 41-A Gâmbia, 2910-222 Setúbal, Portugal
+351 93 848 4547